Why did you choose your career

When I was a kid I had a cat and I loved him a lot  I dreamed to be a veterinarian and take care of all the indefense creatures in the world. With the pass of the year my thought of take care of people was still there I wanted to be a nurse like my grandmother, specifically a geriatrician. Even a war nurse. In my pre-adolescence my idea of being an emergency doctor or geriatrician was maintained. It was not until I reached the eighth grade when I studying racial anthropology, morphology, criminal science, I began to get into the subject of genetics. It was there when I realized that my vocation was to cure the root disease, it is not enough for me with what doctors offer for paleative measures, I would like a definitive solution. Of course, I do not discredit the doctors, their work is eternally grateful because the tact and treatment of the patient is very important the global context is a proof of that, doctors and scientists must be united and work together.
My experience with the university has been a new world, I have had complications because I came from a context where education was not the best at a scientific-mathematical level, but I see it objectively because it enhanced my perspective regarding the differences in education and of bourgeois privilege, I want science to be at the service of all, without those kinds of privileged barriers. I have had good teachers, others really inflexible and they have laughed at me for not knowing certain things, I have had many problems due to my attention deficit, they have made me feel that because of that I cannot be suitable in a laboratory. I do not intend to stop for that, but I always ask the teachers to forgive my mistakes regarding what this may cause.
I would like to work in a laboratory practicing genetic engineering.
My dream is that science is for everyone, that it is a more explored field of study and that women can also be integrated into science.


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